Accounting and Tax Solution with an Online Course.
For too long now property investors have received lower levels of service due to a lack of expertise by Accountants and Tax Agents who simply ‘dabble’ with property investor returns. This lack of service and real property expertise has resulted in a poorer net result overall. For some people, a property is their biggest personal investment, so this result is just not good enough.
This accounting and tax solution with online course (powered by Positive Tax Solutions) has been specifically curated by Positive Mentors, Anthony Wolfenden (Tax Financial Adviser) and Daniel Macpherson (CPA), and was formulated to meet the Accounting and Taxation requirements of property investors.
With 24/7 email assistance from your assigned Tax Specialist, a streamlined service offering and access to a wealth of Tax knowledge at your fingertips - you can now have peace of mind that your accounting and tax affairs are being completed by property & investor specialists.
Tax isn't just for tax time. We're here all year round to answer your questions before you have a tax problem.
The monthly membership gives you access to ongoing learning for capital gains tax, depreciation, ATO and legislation updates and general ‘Financial Fitness’. We'll give you calculators and tips, and anything else you need, to keep on track and organised while having your tax done.
No longer is it once a year that you hear from your accountant - we're here for you all year round with ongoing email support.
Program Joining Fee is sum of the monthly subscription that would have been charged from July of the financial year in which a return is due. Eg if you join the program in April and returns are due in July the join fee would be 10 months or $540. The joining fee is charged up front and not repeated and is ensures a full years subscription is paid to cover the first returns.
Program Joining Fee is sum of the monthly subscription that would have been charged from July of the financial year in which a return is due. Eg if you join the program in April and returns are due in July the join fee would be 10 months or $880. The joining fee is charged up front and not repeated and it ensures a full year’s subscription is paid to cover the first returns.
If you have more than two properties in your portfolio then these properties will be charged an additional $120/property p.a. for individuals and $180/property p.a. for couples at the time of lodging your return. This includes properties that were held for only part of the tax year.
Work that falls outside the scope of the program will be charged at a rate of $110 / half hour block and then prorated to the following year’s subscription.
All subscriptions are ongoing until cancelled by the client. If you cancel your subscription during the year, you must pay the shortfall if your tax returns have been completed.
* All prices inclusive of GST.
50% Complete
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